Tailwind CSS Design System 2.0

This Tailwind CSS Design System is one of the most comprehensive UI kits in the Figma community with more than 400+ UI components, 50+ pre-build full pages and 4800+ downloads.

What's included?

  • Core Tailwind CSS components

  • Style Guide

  • Dashboard

  • E-commerce

  • Web templates

  • Landing pages

  • Dark-mode

  • Auto-layout

  • Variants

  • Mobile-friendly screens

  • and more...

The file is built using the Atomic Design Methodology. You can find everything you need to build a comprehensive SaaS platform, E-commerce or Website.

Are you ready to build awesome projects using Tailwind CSS?

Preview file here: https://www.figma.com/file/NGuUc5TIcC9P8Rc593xk0Y/Tailwind-CSS-Design-System-Full?type=design&mode=design&t=lhpHmnUrisoXLoL5-1

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